a recent study of nearly 400 business leaders in the US,
the top 5 most important issues were:
Recruiting quality individuals
• Improving staff productivity
• Managing retention and/or
• Improving morale
• Upholding ethical standards
When you also consider the following recent Bureau of
Labor statistics, its clear why the most important
business issues are all employee related:
• Two of three new hires will
disappoint in the first year
• Two of three employees would
rather work somewhere else
• Ninety-five of 100 applicants
will “exaggerate” to get a job
• Most hiring decisions are made in
haste-during the first five minutes of an interview
• One of three businesses will be
sued this year over an employment issue
• Eighty percent of employee
turnover is avoidable
Hirematch OPM is a custom selection
management process that guides you to the absolute best
hiring decision.
Hirematch OPM technology combines traditional selection
methodology with validated assessment technology that
allows you to benchmark your top performers in any role
and create a Job Match pattern to use in your selection
process. In essence, Hirematch allows you to hire more
people like your very best!
The process is very simple and can
easily compliment your current employment process
strategy. Hirematch gives you the ability to customize
Job Match by organization, department, or position. The
technology is very easy to use and very cost effective.
It can be administered online, with no proctoring, and
the results are presented in very easy-to-read reports
and can be emailed to the hiring manger, literally
Studies show that integrating Job
Match and assessments technology give you the optimal
success in hiring decisions.

Professor Mike Smith
University of
John E. Hunter and Ronda F. Hunter,
Validity and Utility of Alternative Predictors of Job
Performance, Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 96, No.1,
p. 90; Robert P Tett, Douglas N. Jackson, and
Mitchell Rothstein, Personality Measures as Predictors
of Job Performance: A Meta-Analytical Review, Personnel
Psychology, p.703. Michigan State
University’s School of Business. |
Identify “top performers” by
position, department, or organization. Assess these
individuals and create Job Match pattern
Interview, screen, test
Assess your quality candidates
Create Job Match Report
Select the best overall fit
candidate on dozens of match levels.
Hirematch OPM technology can be use for Direct Hires,
Temp-to-hire, or Temporary positions.

Hirematch selection system allows you to maximize your
investments in Human Capital by combining the proven
success of assessments to guide you to hire more like
your very best.
Literally any organization that is
searching for new talent and understands the importance
of matching the best candidate to the job. Hirematch
technology has been used by HR professionals and Hiring
Managers selecting: executives, salespeople, customer
service professionals, manufacturing/industrial,
administrative/clerical, and technical.
Hirematch OPM technology gives you the
information you need to make the best possible decision.
It measures not only skill and aptitude, but
occupational interests, soft skills such as cultural
issues and fit, honesty, integrity, reliability and
dozens of other critical areas for overall Job Match.
Hirematch creates easy to read reports and graphs that
will give you an overall percentage match for the
position, as well as follow up interview questions, and
management advice.
Reduce Turnover and associated
recruiting and training costs
Increase employee retention
Increase performance with a
talent-driven environment
Reduce legal exposure
Add to bottom line profitability
and organizational growth